T: but i changing the items and pls meet me on the price for this new item.
T: ya... i gave the good price already
T: you have grant us no discount on it
W: oh.. you know at first usd23.8/unit, but now i quote you usd23.5.
T: only 0.03 you took off (晕,,我大方着呢。。。)
W: i think it is 0.3
T: yes, sorry. :) Water it's very hard negotiate with you. tell me what i have to do to make you softter :) (不是吧。。。我有那么严重吗?不过够有意思)
W: i have done much for you. i also wish to do more. but we will bankcrupt. how you wish us to be like that. ( 哈哈。。。自我感觉跟她交锋挺搞笑的。。)
T: at this point i really donot know. i have to talk to my boss. (还是有希望的。。。不过。。。) i think he cannot accept this price. it's really too high for us. i am sorry for that.
T: hi Water. i am sorry my boss says that it is too high we cannot accept. could you decrese the price up to usd22.8?
W: :( sorry my boss couldnot accept the price you gave.
T: donot even 22.8 :(
W: i think we have gave the best price. pls study again. i also think you must compare with other suppliers.
T: i did it.
W: yup we are waing for your exciting news
T: my exciting news is that i'd appreciate very much your divx at the price of usd22.8. :) i pay you today if you could give me this price. (呵呵。。她明知道我们不会接受,她肯定做LC,奸。。。呵呵。。。)
W: i wish to give you, but my boss will kill me
T: :) i think you could persuade him if you want
.......... 不写啦,然后叫她写邮件过来,我再给她OFFICIAL REPLY。。。。好难谈价格啊, MSN的好处很多,但是也有不好之处呢。