Dear Tania,
Good afternoon!
The date January 5th is OK to put on L/C. But for this order, we maynot alllow 1% spare parts any more. Because the price USD23.3 for DivX is very good. We couldnot undertake so much burden. We would be lose money for this order if another1% more spare parts. Your other instructions are OK, we must follow them.
So regarding this order, only one thing is open. Sure you could confirm me back for no spare parts.
Awaing your comments soon.
Thanks and regards,
下面的邮件,其实我的PI上本来就没有备损。不过我没有把罚款的条款写上去而已!哈哈。。。但是客户的反映是 NO。。。而且还老在唠叨价格如何风云变换。。。真想晕给他看。。。。
Dear Water,
pls send to me revised PI in which you cancel order for spare parts but also add that you will engaged to pay 0,04% on the whole amount of the PI per day in case of delay in dispacht the goods.
I'm sorry for that but Divx market is very hard and competitive market in Italy and it's very easy to be out the price because of delays
After you have been revising the Pi I'll send it to you back signed !!
Awaiting for your reply and hoping to have your understanding
Dear Tania,
Thanks for your exciting reply. Here enclosed the PI for your reference. We wish to process the case soon.
Awaiting your comments.
Thanks and regards,