Dear Ms. Sony,
I am so glad to have received your news, thanks a lot for your kind email.
If you have any question, pls don't hesitate to contact me.
Any suggestion is highly appreciated.
Looking forward to a early reply.
Kindest regards
Dear Ms. Emily:
Thanks for your e-mail hereunder. Have presented your sample to our R&D Dept. for their comment and study. Today they presented to us our previous bamboo ware and they have some differences. I think I have to send you a small sample but before doing this, we will present this to our Boss and will let you know the result.
Best regards.
大家看看,收到这样的邮件是不是要把人给急死了,样品竟然不一样的,更严重的是没告诉我哪里不一样.庆幸的是客人说I have to send you a small sample ,无论如何,总得问清楚吧.
Dear Ms. Sony ,
Many thanks for your email, anyway, i want to know your any news and suggestion.
If you have any question, Pls fell free contact me.
I am looking forward to your early reply!
Best Wishes
Emily Xiao
Dear Ms. Emily,
Hi! we have not yet present the sample to our boss, but we are going to send you a sample from our previous supplier.
thank you.