大家有没有发现西班牙客户做事情和我们平时的逻辑有点不同啊,都到这份上了才要我报价格,做PI。呵呵,林子大,啥鸟都有。于是,我把他发过来的设计资料下载下来,并做了个PI 给他发了过去。要报价的时候,我着实郁闷了一笔啊,怎么个报法了,因为我在发开发信的时候有发了报价单,但是是两三个月前的事啊,而且汇率在变,电子更新换代也很快了,想了很久,就发了一个利润还算可以的价格,也做好和他们还价的准备啊。
Dear Diego,how are you? we got your logo files,there are totally two files.one is Logos(convertido)9.ai 671KB and Logos(convertido).ai 1.10MB.
Here is PI with bank information.When you wire the money ,please let me know.
Hello Echo,
Find attached to this email proforma invoice signed and wire transfer confirmation.
I¡¯ve also attached for your printer¡¯s reference colour scheme and composition.
Please, let me know packing list for this delivery to calculate logistic costs and if possible, our designing team would like to have one empty blister for their collection. Is it possible?
Best regards,
Diego Cunillera.