外贸--我与澳大利亚客人的故事 |
外贸--我与澳大利亚客人的故事 |
作者:推销员 文章来源:外贸 点击数: 更新时间:3-15 |
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V:i have am idea。
what do you think about i deliver the color for you
let you check it?
B:one color??
V:color on the balcony
B:if you send them send ,,all the colors available
B:yes.,,,send the colors of that balconie
B:any other colors so you can give me some options
B: that you like
B: can you do that for me??
V: because it's hard to say
B:you are the best
B: you are beutifull
B: i like you
B: nice thinking
well check for me..and if its not thousands of dollars。 i will pay it
B:today i just came back home and found your sa,mples delivered
after i saw your samples,,i picked the ones i like for this time,,number-010 and number 00上一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页 |
文章录入:admin 责任编辑:admin |
上一篇文章: 做外贸,做销售其实就是交朋友 下一篇文章: 外贸故事--不要为了一时的不快而烦心 |
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