ROT with rerefence to our telex 参阅我方电传
RYL with reference to your letter 参阅贵方来信
SB safe berth 安全泊位
S.D. short delivery 短卸
SF safe factor 安全系数
SHEX sundays, holldays excepted 星期日和节假日除外
SHPR shipper 托运人,发货人
SINO-TRANS china national foreign trade transportation corporation 中国对外贸易运输总公司
S/L.C. sue and labour clause 损害防止条款
SNP sales and purchase 销售买卖部
S.O. senior officer 高级船员
S.O.L shipowner’s liability 船舶所有人的责任义务
SP spring tide 大潮
S/P stowage plan,cargo plan 货物积载图,船图
S.R.D. steamer pays dues 船方负担税金
SPSB safe port and safe berth 安全港口,安全泊位
SRCC strike , riots and civil commotion 罢工,暴乱,内哄(险)
S.S. suez surcharge 苏伊士运河附加费
SUBCHARTERER third owner of the same vessel 再租人,三船东
SUBS substitute 代替
S/W shipper’s weights 发货人提供的重量
SWDFT salt water draft 海(咸)水吃水
TB to be 将要
TC type cranes 单杆吊(船舶呆杆类型)
T.C.T. time charter on trip basis 航次期租船
TD time of departure 开航时间
TDY today 今天
TEU twenty equivalent unit 20英尺标准集装箱
T.L. total loss 全损
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