[6] The second scenario is that a person starts spending more and more time on the Net. They may not meet someone else but they don't spend any time with their partner and of course the relationship suffers." [7] Such stories may appear to be almost urban legends, so ashamed are Internet addicts and their partners. After all, who wants to admit they have a 100 a day habit (e-mails, that is) or are somehow less alluring than a piece of hardware? But in America, which has long had a love affair with both therapy and the Net, these stories are common. [8] A recent survey of 17,251 Internet users found nearly 6 per cent had some sort of addiction to the medium. They revealed that their online habit contributed to disrupted marriages, childhood delinquency, crime and over-spending. Tap into online addiction sites and you'll find messages such as: "Hello, my name is Bob and I'm a Webaholic." [9] Witness the plight of Ohio woman Kelli Michetti, who literally became a computer hacker because of her husband's constant online chatting. When she crashed a meat cleaver through her husband's computer terminal that solved the problem, although naturally it led to difficulties with the police. [10] Or take the classic Internet addiction story of Ingrid Parker, a woman who became such a slave to the Internet--especially chat rooms-- that it took over her life. She made do with two hours' sleep a night, had marathon weekend computer sessions of up to 17 hours and fell in love with a married man in the US state of Oregon. [5]“我曾目睹一对夫妇,他们仍在一起,但彼此之间的感情已经摇摇欲坠。男方在网上有了外遇,就飘洋过海去与网上恋人见面,之后,他为了和她在一起而抛妻弃子。在我最近看到的另一个例子中,男方为了跟某个女人在一起,抛下了自己的三个孩子,而那个女人也准备离开她的四个孩子。这种事情可害苦了那些孩子们。” [6]“另一种情形是:有的人把越来越多的时间耗在因特网上。他们也许没有网上情人要见面,可也不愿花时间去陪伴自己的爱人,夫妻关系当然会因此遭到破坏。” [7]诸如此类的情形几乎成了一个个都市传奇故事,让那些痴迷于因特网的人以及他们的爱人感到惭愧。毕竟,谁也不愿意承认他们有每天收发100封电子邮件的习惯,或者承认自己竟然不比一部机器有吸引力。然而,对于美国这么一个与心理治疗和网络结缘已久的国家来说,此类故事不足为奇。 [8]最近的一项调查显示,在1721名因特网用户中,有近6%的用户程度不同地痴迷于上网。这些网迷承认,他们上网成癖导致了婚姻破裂、使孩子误人歧途、滋生犯罪而且经济上入不敷出。敲击键盘进入网迷站点,你会发现这样一些信息:“嗨,我叫鲍勃,一个网虫。” [9]俄亥俄州一名叫凯莉·米切蒂的妇女的困窘处境就是一个见证。由于她的丈夫经常上网聊天,凯莉成了地道的电脑黑客。她擅自闯入其丈夫的电脑终端解决了这个问题,但是,不用说这惹出了麻烦,惊动了警方。 [10]英格丽德·帕克的故事也是典型事例,她成了因特网的奴隶——尤其钟情于网上聊天——网甚至成了生活中主要的内容。她曾经一晚上只睡2小时,周末连续 17个小时玩电脑,并且和美国俄勒冈州的一个已婚男子相恋。< |