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Type seven. __________; _________; __________.
--she is drawing pictures on the sand; her sister is building a sand castle on the beach; the others are throwing starfish which are stranded on the shore far into the sea.

--some students are studying in the new library; some are surfing the internet; others are chatting with each other in the lobby.

--some people prefer using chopsticks to eat; some people prefer using forks knives and spoons to eat; the others prefer using their hands to eat.

--the cruel hand of winter reached down from the lead-gray sky; an uncountable army of locust-like snowflakes stole down onto the leafy trees; many branches on many trees bent and snapped like over-loaded horses under the unbearable weight of the silent invaders.

--i always see a lot of students standing close together and kissing each other when i come back to my residence hall; i used to feel extremely embarrassed if i noticed them or even just had a glance at them; now i have gotten used to these free "love films" happening each night and often cheerfully discuss what i have seen with my classmates!

--my mother is the fattest in the family; my father is the tallest; i am the smartest.

--reading can make you knowledgeable; thinking can make you wise; speaking can make you clever.

--the sky in autumn is as blue as the vast ocean where many birds soar freely; the sun in winter is as warm as a stove which gives out its generous heat to people; the clouds in spring are as gentle as little sheep that are eating grass leisurely in the blue sky.

--the snow and rain are heavily falling; the wind is strongly pushing everything down; the mother and her child are shivering in the cold bus shelter.

--the old and ugly teacher kept on criticizing the students by using very bad words; the impatient and angry flora imagined killing him several times over using many different ways; the bold and sleepy grace was busy changing her position so as to find the most comfortable way to sleep.

--the blue sky is covered by clouds; the white clouds are changing as the wind blows; the girl is enjoying the peaceful moment.

--joanna became angry with lilian and threw her bread at her; lilian was in an unpleasant vein and hurled a chocolate pie at her contestant; jeff watched this silently and had his lunch by intercepting food in the air.

--spring comes with vitality and hope; summer comes with enthusiasm and energy; fall comes with harvest and fruits.

--old buildings were torn down on our campus; new buildings are being set up; soon there will be quite a new scene on our campus.

--learning extends our life into new dimensions; eating builds our body to make it strong; speaking english helps us to express our ideas clearly.

--pride is an enemy which gradually corrupts our mind and blocks our way to success; prejudice is a foe which prevents us from seeing the world clearly; modesty is a friend which helps us to improve ourselves and leads us to success.

--love is paying without asking for rewards; friendship is reading your friends’ sadness without saying words; family love is understanding your beloved parents instead of only getting care from them.

--my beautiful dream is of a lighthouse leading me through the mist; the constant love from my family is the motivation driving me through this present darkness; my willing devotion to study is the only way to realize my dream and to reward my parents.

--i went to watch the film called "pirates of the caribbean"last weekend; jack sparrow (johnny depp) who was the captain of the black pearl left a deep impression on me; it's strange that he looks like a gypsy.

--to my surprise it was more freezing cold outside than i thought; i only wore some unlined garments this morning; i therefore trembled in the wind while reading the text book of my college english course in the small garden of out university.

--the blue sky with clouds floating back and forth is my ceiling; the broad plain which gives off the fragrance of soil is my bed; the grassland where there is a flock of snow-white sheep is my blanket.

--soul can comfort you from head to foot; jazz can make your body swing and sway; punk can drive you to shake your head crazily.

--i felt thirsty when i put on performances; i felt starving when i took my 800-meter-race exam; i felt sleepy when i wrote these stupid sentences.<

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