全文 本公约各缔约国政府, 考虑到1921年6月成立的国际水道测量局是为了通过对海图和文件的改进,使航行在全世界更加方便和安全; 愿意在政府间的基础上从事水道测量方面的合作; 经协议如下: 第Ⅰ条 兹成立国际水道测量组织,以下简称本组织,其总部设在摩纳哥。 第Ⅱ条 本组织是一个咨询和纯技术性的机构,其宗旨是为实现: 1.各国水道测量单位之间的活动的协调; 2.尽最大可能地使海图和文件一致化; 3.采纳可靠有效的方法来进行和利用水道测量; 4.发展水道测量方面的科学和描述性海洋学所使用的技术。 第Ⅲ条 本组织的会员为本公约的缔约国政府。 第Ⅳ条 本组织由下列机构组成: 国际水道测量会议,以下简称大会; 由指导委员会管理的国际水道测量局,以下简称本局。 第Ⅴ条 大会职权为: (a)对本组织的职权范围和工作提出全面的指示; (b)选举指导委员会成员及其主席; (c)审查由本局提交给它的各种报告; (d)就各会员国政府或本局所提交的技术性或行政性的一切提案作出决定; (e)以到会会员国政府的三分之二多数批准财务预算; (f)以会员国政府的三分之二多数通过总则和财务规定的修正案; (g)以上款所述的多数通过可能被证明是必要的任何其他的特殊规定,尤其是关于本局的负责人和工作人员的地位的规定。 第Ⅵ条 1.大会由各会员国政府的代表组成,每五年召开一次例会。特别会议可在一会员国或本局的要求下召开,但须经会员国政府多数的同意。 2.大会应由局召开,召开大会的通知应至少在六个月以前发出。随同通知还应发出一份临时议程。 3.大会将选举会议主席和副主席。 4.每个会员国政府拥有一票,但是就第Ⅴ条第2款所述问题进行表决时,每个会员国政府的票数应由按其船队吨位的大小而建立起来的比例关系来确定。 5.除本公约另有规定者外,大会决议应由到会会员国政府的简单多数通过决定。当赞成票和反对票相等时,大会主席有权作出决定。在当决议是要纳入技术决议档案库时,则此多数在任何情况下应包括不少于会员国政府的三分之一的赞成票。 6.在每届大会之间,本局可以以函件就有关本组织的技术职权问题与会员国政府进行协商。表决程序应符合本条第5款的规定,在这种情况下多数是按本组织会员总数的基础来计算的。 7.大会应设立其各种委员会,包括第Ⅶ条所述的财务委员会。 第Ⅶ条 1.对本组织财务管理的监督应由财务委员会来执行。每一会员国政府可派一名代表参加财务委员会。 2.该委员会应在大会每届会议期间开会,亦可召开特别会议。 第Ⅷ条 为实现第Ⅱ条中所规定的目标,本局的责任特别有以下各条: (a)使各国水道测量单位之间能有密切和经常的联系; (b)研究任何与水道测量有关的问题及各有关科学和技术,并收集必要的论文; (c)进一步交换各会员国政府水道测量单位之间的海图和文件; (d)散发适当的文件; (e)在收到请求时,提供指导和意见,特别是给从事设立和扩建其水道测量事业的国家提供指导和意见; (f)鼓励把水道测量勘探与有关的海洋学活动协调起来; (g)为航行者的利益扩大和便利海洋学知识的应用; (h)与有关国际组织和科研机关进行合作。 第Ⅸ条 本局应由指导委员会以及本组织需要的技术和行政人员组成。 第Ⅹ条 1.指导委员会应根据本公约和规定的要求和大会的指示来管理本局。 2.指导委员会应由大会选出的不同国籍的三个会员组成,会议应再选其中一人任委员会主席。指导委员会任期为五年。如在两届会议之间负责人的职位有空额,则可根据总则中的规定,进行函件补缺选举。 3.指导委员会主席应为本组织的代表。 第Ⅺ条 本组织的职权范围应在总则和财务规定中详细叙述。总则和规定为本公约附件,但不作为本公约的组成部分。 第Ⅻ条 本组织的正式语言为英文和法文。 第Ⅷ条 本组织应具有法人地位。在其每一个会员国的领土上本组织在取得该有关会员国政府的同意后,将享受为行使其职权和实现其目的所必需的特权和豁免。 第XIV条 本组织为行使其职权所必需的经费应来自: (a)各会员国政府根据其船队吨位大小所作出的比例每年所交纳的一般会费; (b)由财务委员会批准的捐款、馈赠、补助金和其他来源。 第XV条 任何一个拖欠两年会费的会员国政府,不得享受本公约和规定所给予各会员国政府的一切权利和利益,直至所欠会费交清为止。 第XVI条 本组织的预算应由指导委员会起草,经财务委员会研究,最后由大会批准。 第XVII条 对本公约的解释或应用而引起的任何争议,经协商或指导委员会的斡旋后均未得到解决时,在争议一方的请求下,可将此争议提交国际法院院长指定的一位仲裁人。 第XVIII条 1.本公约于1967年5月3日在摩纳哥开放,随后从1967年6月1日至12月31日在巴黎的摩纳哥公国使馆开放,以供1967年5月3日参加本局的工作的任何政府签字。 2.上述第1款所提及的各国政府可按以下方式成为本公约的参加国: (a)签署公约而对批准或核准无保留,或 (b)签署公约而有待批准或核准,以及随后交存批准书或核准书。 3.批准书或核准书应交给在巴黎的摩纳哥公国的公使馆,以便存放在摩纳哥政府的档案库中。 4.摩纳哥公国政府应将每个国家的签字和每个批准书或核准书的交存通知上述第1款所提及的各国政府和指导委员会主席。 第XIX条 1.本公约应在有28个政府按第XVIII条第2款的规定成为缔约方之日起三个月后生效。 2.摩纳哥公国政府应将该日期通知所有缔约国政府和指导委员会主席。 第XX条 在本公约生效后应继续向任何海运国家政府参加开放,只要该海运国家向摩纳哥公国政府提出申请,并说明其船队吨位,而其申请又得到三分之二会员国政府的同意。摩纳哥公国政府应将此同意通知该有关政府。自该政府参加书向摩纳哥公国政府交存之日起,本公约即对该政府生效。摩纳哥公国政府应将此情况通知各会员国政府和指导委员会主席。 第XXI条 1.任何缔约国政府可对本公约提出修正案。 2.修正案应由大会审议并由到会成员国政府的三分之二多数做出决定。当某项建议修正案被会议通过后,指导委员会主席应请求摩纳哥公国将此修正案提交给所有缔约国。 3.该修正案在摩纳哥公国政府收到缔约国的三分之二核准通知书三个月后对所有缔约国生效。摩纳哥公国政府应将此情况通知各缔约国政府和指导委员会主席,同时说明该修正案生效的日期。 第XXII条 1.在本公约生效五年后,任何缔约国可以书面通知摩纳哥公国政府退出本公约,但该通知书至少应在一年前发出。在通知书期满后的下一年元月一日起此退出即可生效,这涉及到该有关政府放弃本组织会员国政府所享受的一切权利和利益。 2.摩纳哥公国政府应将其所收到的任何退出的通知书通知各缔约国和指导委员会主席。 第XXIII条 在本公约生效后,摩纳哥公国政府应根据联合国宪章第102条的规定,向联合国秘书处进行登记。 授权的下列具名代表特签署本公约*,以昭信守。 * 略去签字部分。 本公约于1967年5月3日订于摩纳哥,用英文和法文写成一份,各种文本具有同等效力。这些文本将交存于摩纳哥公国政府的档案库中。摩纳哥公国政府应把核证无误的副本转发所有签字国和参加公约的国家政府以及指导委员会主席。 【名称】 CONVENTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC ORGANIZATION 【题注】 Whole document The Governments Parties to this Convention, CONSIDERING that the International Hydrographic Bureau was established in June 1921 to contribute to making navigation easier and safer throughout the world by improving nautical charts and documents; DESIRING to pursue on an intergovernmental basis their cooperation in hyrography; HAVE AGREED as follows: ARTICLE I There is hereby established an International Hydrographic Organization, hereinafter referred to as the Organization, the seat of which shall be in Monaco. ARTICLE II The Organization shall have a consultative and purely technical nature. It shall be the object of the Organization to bring about: (a) The co-ordination of the activities of national hydrographic offices; (b) The greatest possible uniformity in nautical charts and documents; (c) The adoption of reliable and efficient methods of carrying out and exploiting hydrographic surveys; (d) The development of the sciences in the field of hydrography and the techniques employed in descriptive oceanography. ARTICLE III The Members of the Organization are the Governments Parties to this Convention. ARTICLE IV The Organization shall comprise: The International Hydrographic Conference, hereinafter referred to as the Conference; The International Hydrographic Bureau, hereinafter referred to as the Bureau, administrated by the Directing Committee. ARTICLE V The functions of the Conference shall be: (a) To give general directives on the functioning and work of the Organization; (b) To elect the members of the Directing Committee and its President; (c) To examine the reports submitted to it by the Bureau; (d) To make decisions in respect of all proposals of a technical or administrative nature submitted by Member Governments or by the Bureau; (e) To approve the budget by a majority of two thirds of the Member Governments represented at the Conference; (f) To adopt, by a two thirds majority of the Member Governments, amendments to the General Regulations and Financial Regulations; (g) To adopt, by the majority prescribed in the preceding paragraph, any particular regulations that may prove to be necessary, notably on the status of the directors and staff of the Bureau. ARTICLE VI 1. The Conference shall be composed of representatives of the Member Governments. It shall meet in ordinary session every five years. An extraordinary session of the Conference may be held at the request of a Member Government or of the Bureau, subject to approval by the majority of the Member Governments. 2. The Conference shall be convened by the Bureau on at least six months' notice. A provisional agenda shall be submitted with the notice. 3. The Conference shall elect its President and Vice-President. 4. Each Member Government shall have one vote. However, for the voting on the questions referred to in Article V(b), each Government shall have a number of votes determined by a scale established in relation to the tonnage of their fleets. 5. Conference decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of the Member Governments represented at the Conference, except where this Convention provides otherwise. When voting for or against is evenly divided, the President of the Conference shall be empowered to make a decision. In the case of resolutions to be inserted in the Repertory of Technical Resolutions, the majority shall in any event include the affirmative votes of not less than one third of the Member Governments. 6. Between sessions of the Conference the Bureau may consult the Member Governments by correspondence on questions concerning the technical functioning of the Organization. The voting procedure shall conform to that provided for in paragraph 5 of this Article, the majority being calculated in this case on the basis of the total membership of the Organization. 7. The Conference shall constitute its own Committees, including the Finance Committee referred to in Article VII. ARTICLE VII 1. The supervision of the financial administration of the Organization shall be exercised by a Finance Committee on which each Member Government may be represented by one delegate. 2. The Committee shall meet during sessions of the Conference. It may meet in extraordinary session. ARTICLE VIII For the fulfilment of the objects defined in Article II it shall be the responsibility of the Bureau, in particular: (a) To bring about a close and permanent association between national hydrographic offices; (b) To study any matters relating to hydrography and the allied sciences and techniques, and to collect the necessary papers; (c) To further the exchange of nautical charts and documents between hydrographic offices of Member Governments; (d) To circulate the appropriate documents; (e) To tender guidance and advice upon request, in particular to countries engaged in setting-up or expanding their hydrographic service; (f) To encourage co-ordination of hydrographic surveys with relevant oceanographic activities; (g) To extend and facilitate the application of oceanographic knowledge for the benefit of navigators; (h) To cooperate with international organizations and scientific institutions which have related objectives. ARTICLE IX The Bureau shall be composed of the Directing Committee and the technical and administrative staff required by the Organization. ARTICLE X 1. The Directing Committee shall administer the Bureau in accordance with the provisions of this Convention and the Regulations and with directives given by the Conference. 2. The Directing Committee shall be composed of three members of different nationality, elected by the Conference, which shall further elect one of them to fill the office of President of the Committee. The term of office of the Directing Committee shall be five years. If a post of director falls vacant during the period between two Conferences, a by-election may be held by correspondence as provided for in the General Regulations. 3. The President of the Directing Committee shall represent the Organization. ARTICLE XI The functioning of the Organization shall be set forth in detail in the General Regulations and Financial Regulations, which are annexed to this Convention but do not form an integral part thereof. ARTICLE XII The official languages of the Organization shall be English and French. ARTICLE XIII The Organization shall have juridical personality. In the territory of each of its Members it shall enjoy, subject to agreement with the Member Government concerned, such privileges and immunities as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions and the fulfilment of its object. ARTICLE XIV The expenses necessary for the functioning of the Organization shall be met: (a) From the ordinary annual contributions of Member Governments in accordance with a scale based on the tonnage of their fleets; (b) From donations, bequests, subventions and other sources, with the approval of the Finance Committee. ARTICLE XV Any Member Government which is two years in arrears in its contributions shall be denied all rights and benefits conferred on Member Governments by the Convention and the Regulations until such time as the outstanding contributions have been paid. ARTICLE XVI The budget of the Organization shall be drafted by the Directing Committee, studied by the Finance Committee and approved by the Conference. ARTICLE XVII Any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention which is not settled by negotiation or by the good offices of the Directing Committee shall, at the request of one of the parties to the dispute, be referred to an arbitrator designated by the President of the International Court of Justice. ARTICLE XVIII 1. This Convention shall be open in Monaco on 3 May 1967, and subsequently at the Legation of the Principality of Monaco in Paris from 1 June until 31 December 1967, for signature by any Government which participates in the work of the Bureau on 3 May 1967. 2. The Governments referred to in paragraph 1 above may become Parties to the present Convention: (a) By signature without reservation as to ratification or approval, or (b) By signature subject to ratification or approval and the subsequent deposit of an instrument of ratification or approval. 3. Instruments of ratification or approval shall be handed to the Legation of the Principality of Monaco in Paris to be deposited in the Archives of the Government of the Principality of Monaco. 4. The Government of the Principality of Monaco shall inform the Governments referred to in paragraph 1 above, and the President of the Directing Committee, of each signature and of each deposit of an instrument of ratification of approval. ARTICLE XIX 1. This Convention shall enter into force three months after the date on which twenty-eight Governments have become Parties in accordance with the provisions of Article XVIII, paragraph 2. 2. The Government of the Principality of Monaco shall notify this date to all signatory Governments and the President of the Directing Committee. ARTICLE XX After it has entered into force this Convention shall be open for accession by the Government of any maritime state which applies to the Government of the Principality of Monaco specifying the tonnage of its fleets, and whose admission is approved by two thirds of the Member Governments. Such approval shall be notified by the Government of the Principality of Monaco to the Government concerned. The Convention shall enter into force for that Government on the date on which it has deposited its instrument of accession with the Government of the Principality of Monaco which shall inform the Member Governments and the President of the Directing Committee. ARTICLE XXI 1. Any Contracting Party may propose amendments to this Convention. 2. Proposals of amendment shall be considered by the Conference and decided upon by a majority of two thirds of the Member Governments represented at the Conference. When a proposed amendment has been approved by the Conference, the President of the Directing Committee shall request the Government of the Principality of Monaco to submit it to all Contracting Parties. 3. The amendment shall enter into force for all Contracting Parties three months after notifications of approval by two thirds of the Contracting Parties have been received by the Government of the Principality of Monaco. The latter shall inform the Contracting Parties and the President of the Directing Committee of the fact, specifying the date of entry into force of the amendment. ARTICLE XXII 1. Upon expiration of a period of five years after its entry into force, this Convention may be denounced by any Contracting Party by giving at least one year's notice, in a notification addressed to the Government of the Principality of Monaco. The denunciation shall take effect upon 1 January next following the expiration of the notice and shall involve the abandonment by the Government concerned of all rights and benefits of membership in the Organization. 2. The Government of the Principality of Monaco shall inform the Contracting Parties and the President of the Directing Committee of any notification of denunciation it receives. ARTICLE XXIII After the present Convention enters into force it shall be registered by the Government of the Principality of Monaco with the Secretariat of the United Nations in accordance with Article 102 of its Charter. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned*, duly authorized thereto, have signed this Convention. [* Signature Omitted.] DONE at Monaco on the third day of May nineteen hundred and sixty-seven, in a single copy in the English and French languages, each text being equally authentic, which shall be deposited in the Archives of the Government of the Principality of Monaco, which shall transmit certified copies thereof to all signatories and acceding Governments and to the President of the Directing Committee. < |