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Agar ÇíÖ¬

Abrus Herb ¼¦¹Ç²Ý

Aconiteleaf Syneilesis Herb ÍöùÉ¡

Acutangular Anisodus Root Èý·ÖÈý

Adder's Tongue Herb Ò»Ö§¼ý

African Myrsine Herb ËéÃ׿Ã

Agaric ÖíÜß

Air-Plant Herb ÂäµØÉú¸ù

Airpotato Yam Rhizome »ÆÒ©×Ó

Aizoon Stonecrop Herb ¾°ÌìÈýÆß

Akebia Fruit Ô¤Öª×Ó

Akebia Stem ľͨ

Aloes «Üö

Alpine Yarrow Herb Ýé²Ý

Alum °×·¯

Amber çúçê

American Ginseng Î÷Ñó²Î

Amur Adonis Herb ±ùÁ¹»¨

Amur Ampelopsis Stem ɽÆÏÌÑ

Amur Barberry Root ´óҶСéÞ

Amur Corktree Bark »Æ°Ø

Amur Grape Stem ɽÌÙÌÙÑí

Ancients Euphorbia Stem »ðÑêÀÕ

Anemone Clematis Stem / Armand Clematis Stem ´¨Ä¾Í¨

Annual Fleabane Herb Ò»ÄêÅî

Antelope Horn ÁçÑò½Ç

Antifeverile Dichroa Root ³£É½

Arabian Jasmine Flower ÜÔÀò»¨

Arabic Cowry Shell ×ϱ´³Ý

Areca Peel ´ó¸¹Æ¤

Areca Seed éÄÀÆ

Argy Wormwood Leaf °¬Ò¶

Ark Shell ÍßÀã×Ó

Arrowshaped Tinospora Root ½ð¹ûé­

Arsenic Sublimate ÐÅʯ

Ash Bark ÇØƤ

Asiatic Moonseed Rhizome ±±¶¹¸ù

Asiatic Pennywort Herb »ýÑ©²Ý

Asiatic Toddalia Root ·ÉÁúÕÆѪ

Auricled Hedyotis Herb ¶ú²Ý

Autumn Zephyrlily Herb ¸Î·ç²Ý

Avicennia Pricklyash Root Ó¥²»²´

Axillary Choerospondias Fruit ¹ãÔæ

Baical Skullcap Root »ÆÜË

Balsamiferou Blumea Herb ´ó·ç°¬

Bamboo Shavings ÖñÈã

Barbary Wolfberry Fruit èÛè½×Ó

Barbed Skullcap Herb °ëÖ¦Á«

Barberry Root Èý¿ÃÕë

Bat Dung Ò¹Ã÷É°

Bear Gall Ðܵ¨

Beautiful Millettia Root Å£´óÁ¦

Beautiful Phyllodium Twig and Leaf ÅÅÇ®²Ý

Beautiful Sweetgum Fruit ··ͨ

Belladonna Herb µßÇѲÝ

Belvedere Fruit µØ·ô×Ó

Benzoin °²Ï¢Ïã

Bezoar Å£»Æ

Bigleaf Beautyberry Leaf ´óÒ¶×ÏÖé

Biond Magnolia Flower ÐÁÒÄ

Biotite Schist and Mica / Carbonate Schist by Chloritization Çàíæʯ

Bistort Rhizome È­²Î

Bitter Apricot Seed ¿àÐÓÈÊ

Bitter Bamboo Leaf ¿àÖñÒ¶

Bitter Orange è׿Ç

Bittersweet Herb °×Ó¢

Black Nightshade Herb Áú¿û

Black Sesame ºÚÖ¥Âé

Blackberrykiky Rhizome Éä¸É

Blackend Swallowwort Root °×Þ±

Blighted Wheat ¸¡Ð¡Âó

Blister Beetle °ßòú

Boat-fruited Scaphium Seed ÅÖ´óº£

Boor's Mustard Herb ݾڤ

Borax ÅðÉ°

Borneol 񗒪

Bottle Brush Herb Îʾ£

Bottle Gourd Peel ºù«

Brittle Falsepimpernel Herb ĸ²Ý

Brooklet Anemone Root »¢ÕƲÝ

Broomjutre Sida Herb »Æ»¨Ä¸

Buddha's Lamp Twig and Leaf ÓñÒ¶½ð»¨

Buerger Pipewort Flower ¹È¾«²Ý

Buffalo Horn ˮţ½Ç

Bulbiferous Stonecrop Âíʺ»¨

Bunge Auriculate Root °×Ê×ÎÚ

Bunge Corydalis Herb µØ¶¡²Ý

Bunge Hackberry Bark or Stem °ô°ôľ

Bunge Pine Cone ËÉËþ

Bur Beggarticks Herb ÀǰѲÝ

Burmann Cinnamon Bark ÒõÏã

Cablin Potchouli Herb ¹ãÞ½Ïã

Cajeputtree Leaf °×ǧ²ãÒ¶

Calamine ¯¸Êʯ

Calcite ÄϺ®Ë®Ê¯

Calomel Çá·Û

Camphor ÕÁÄÔ

Camphorwood ÏãÕÁľ

Canton Ampelopsis Root Î޴̸ù

Cape Jasmine Fruit èÙ×Ó

Caper Euphorbia Seed ǧ½ð×Ó

Carbonized Human Hair ѪÓàÌ¿

Carolina Cranesbill Herb Ò°ÀÏðÙ²Ý

Cassia Bark Èâ¹ð

Cassia Seed ¾öÃ÷×Ó

Cassia Twig ¹ðÖ¦

Castor Bean ±ÍÂé×Ó

Catechu ¶ù²è

Cattail Pollen ÆÑ»Æ

Centipede òÚò¼

Ceratostigma Root Åʵ¹êµ

Chalcanthite µ¨·¯

Chaulmoogratree Seed ´ó·ç×Ó

Cherokee Rose Fruit ½ðÓ£×Ó

Chervil Larkspur Herb »¹ÁÁ²Ý

Chicken's Gizzard-membrane ¼¦ÄÚ½ð

Chinaberry Bark and Root-bark ¿àé¬Æ¤

Chinagreen Herb ¹ã¶«ÍòÄêÇà

Chinaroot Greenbier Rhizome ÝÃÆõ

Chinese Alangium Root °Ë½Ç·ã

Chinese Angelica µ±¹é

Chinese Aralia Bark and Root-bark ´Ðľ

Chinese Arborvitae Twig ²à°ØÒ¶

Chinese Asafoetida °¢Îº

Chinese Astilbe Âäи¾

Chinese Azalea Flower ÄÖÑò»¨

Chinese Azalea Fruit °ËÀåÂé

Chinese Bastardtoadflax Herb °×Èï²Ý

Chinese Box Twig »ÆÑîľ

Chinese Brake Herb ·ïβ²Ý

Chinese Buckeye Seed / æ¶ÂÞ×Ó

Wilson Buckeye Seed

Chinese Caterpillar Fungus ¶¬³æÏIJÝ

Chinese Cinquefoil Herb ίÁê²Ë

Chinese Cricket ó¬ó°

Chinese Date ´óÔæ

Chinese Dicliptera Herb ¹·¸Î²Ë

Chinese Dwarf Cherry Seed / ÓôÀîÈÊ

Dwarf Flowering Cherry Seed / Longstalk Peach Seed

Chinese Eaglewood ³ÁÏã

Chinese Elder Herb ½Ӣ

Chinese Elm Bark ÀÆÓÜƤ

Chinese Eupatorium Root ¹ã¶«ÍÁţϥ

Chinese Fevervine Herb ¼¦ÊºÌÙ

Chinese Fir Wood or twig ɼľ

Chinese Forgetmenot Root ½Ó¹Ç²Ý

Chinese Gall Î屶×Ó

Chinese Gentian Áúµ¨

Chinese Globeflower Flower ½ðÁ«»¨

Chinese Hibisci Rosae-Sinensis Flower ·öÉ£»¨

Chinese Holly Leaf èÛ¹ÇÒ¶

Chinese Honeylocust Abnormal Fruit ÖíÑÀÔí

Chinese Honeylocust Fruit Ôí½Ç

Chinese Honeylocust Spine Ôí½Ç´Ì

Chinese Incarvilla Herb ½ÇÝï

Chinese Iris Seed ÂíÝþ×Ó

Chinese Ivy Stem ³£´ºÌÙ

Chinese Knotweed Herb »ð̿ĸ

Chinese Ladiestresses Root or Herb ÅÌÁú²Î

Chinese Ligusticum Rhizome / Jehol Ligusticum Rhizome Þ»±¾

Chinese Lizardtail Rhizome or Herb Èý°×²Ý

Chinese Lobelia Herb °ë±ßÁ«

Chinese Loropetalum Herb ¼Ìľ

Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit Îåζ×Ó

Chinese Milkwort Herb ´óÒ¶½ð²»“Q

Chinese Mosla Herb ÏãÞ¸

Chinese Osbeckia Herb ½ð½õÏã

Chinese Peashrub Root ½õ¼¦¶ù

Chinese Pholidota Herb ʯÏÉÌÒ

Chinese Photinia Leaf ʯÄÏÒ¶

Chinese Pulsatilla Root °×Í·ÎÌ

Chinese Pyrola Herb ¹ÏβÝ

Chinese Rose Flower Ô¼¾»¨

Chinese Sage Herb ʯ¼û´©

Chinese Silkvine Root-bark Ïã¼ÓƤ

Chinese Siphonostegia Herb ÁåÒð³Â

Chinese Soapberry Fruit ÎÞ»¼×Ó

Chinese St. John'swort Root ½ðË¿ÌÒ

Chinese Starjasmine Stem ÂçʯÌÙ

Chinese Stellera Root ÈðÏãÀǶ¾

Chinese Tallowtree Root-bark ÎÚèê

Chinese Tamarisk Twig Î÷ºÓÁø

Chinese Taxillus Twig É£¼ÄÉú

Chinese Thorowax Root / ²ñºú

Red Thorowax Root

Chinese Trumpetcreeper Flower Common TrumpetcreeperFlower ÁèÏö»¨

Chinese Umbrellaleaf Rhizome and Root ÎѶùÆß

Chinese Usnea ËÉÂÜ

Chinese Waxgourd Peel ¶¬¹ÏƤ

Chinese Waxgourd Semen ¶¬¹Ï×Ó

Chinese Waxmyrtle Bark Ñî÷

Chinese Wedelia Herb Åìòà¾Õ

Chinese White Olive Çà¹û

Chinese Wingmut Leaf ·ãÑîÒ¶

Chinese Wolfberry Root-bark µÍ¹ÇƤ

Chingma Abutilon Seed ÜÜÂé×Ó

Chinse Clinopodium Herb / Manyhead Clinopodium Herb ¶ÏѪÁ÷

Cholla Stem ÏÉÈËÕÆ

Chrysanthemum ¾Õ»¨

Cicada Slough ²õÍÉ

Ciliatenerve Knotweed Root ÖìÉ°Á«

Cinchona Bark ½ð¼¦ÄÉƤ

Cinnabar ÖìÉ°

Citron Fruit ÏãéÚ

Clam Shell ¸ò¿Ç

Clematis Root ÍþÁéÏÉ

Clethra Loosestrife Herb ÕäÖé²Ë

Climbing Fig Fruit ÞµÀó¹û

Climbing Groundsel Herb ǧÀï¹â

Clinopodium Herb ¼ôµ¶²Ý

Cluster Mallow Fruit ¶¬¿û×Ó

Coastal Glehnia Root ±±É³²Î

Coca Leaf ¹Å¿ÂÒ¶

Cochinchina Momordica Seed ľ±î×Ó

Cochinchnese Asparagus Root ÌìÃŶ¬

Cockscomb Flower ¼¦¹Ú»¨

Coffee Senna Seed Íû½­ÄÏ

Coix Seed Þ²ÜÓÈÊ

Coloed Mistletoe Herb éμÄÉú

Colophony ËÉÏã

Combined Spicebush Root ÎÚÒ©

Common Achyranthes Herb µ¹¿Û²Ý

Common Adenostema Herb ÏÂÌï¾Õ

Common Aeschynomene Herb ÌïÔí½Ç

Common Alocasia Rhizome º£Óó

Common Alstonia Leaf µÆ̨Ҷ

Common Andrographis Herb ´©ÐÄÁ«

Common Anemarrhena Rhizome ֪ĸ

Common Baphicacanthus Rhizome and Root ÂíÀ¶

Common Bletilla Pseudobulb °×¼°

Common Bluebeard Herb À¼Ïã²Ý

Common Bombax Flower ľÃÞ»¨

Common Burreed Rhizome ÈýÀâ

Common Camptotheca Fruit ϲÊ÷¹û

Common Carpesium Fruit º×Ê­

Common Cephalanoplos Herb С¼»

Common Cissampelos Herb ÑǺõÅ«

Common Clubmoss Herb Éì½î²Ý

Common Cnidium Fruit Éß´²×Ó

Common Coltsfoot Flower ¿î¶¬»¨

Common Crapemyrtle Leaf ×ÏÞ±Ò¶

Common Curculigo Rhizome ÏÉé

Common Dayflower Herb ѼõŲÝ

Common Ducksmeat Herb ¸¡Æ¼

Common Dysosmatis Rhizome and Root / Sixangular Dysosmatis Rhizome and Root °Ë½ÇÁ«

Common Fenugreek Seed ºù«°Í

Common Fibraurea Stem »ÆÌÙ

Common Floweringquince Fruit ľ¹Ï

Common Four-o'clock Root ×ÏÜÔÀò¸ù

Common Foxglove Leaf ÑóµØ»ÆÒ¶

Common Gendarussa Herb С²µ¹Ç

Common Goldenrod Herb Ò»Ö»»Æ»¨

Common Heron'sbill Herb ³¤×ìÀÏðÙ²Ý

Common Jasminorange Leaf and Twig ¾ÅÀïÏã

Common Jointfir Stem ÂòÂéÌÙ

Common Knotgrass Herb ±àÐî

Common Lantana Leaf ÂíÓ§µ¤

Common Leafflower Herb Ò¶ÏÂÖé

Common Lophatherum Herb µ­ÖñÒ¶

Common Macrocarpium Fruit ɽÜïÝÇ

Common Melastoma Herb Ұĵµ¤

Common Monkshood Mother Root ´¨ÎÚ

Common Nandina ÌìóÃ×Ó

Common Russianthistle Herb Öíë²Ë

Common Sage Herb ÀóÖ¦²Ý

Common Scouring Rush Herb ľÔô

Common Selfheal Fruit-Spike ÏĿݲÝ

Common Smoketree Twig and Leaf »ÆèÓ

Common Squill Bulb ÏÊ°×Í·

Common St. John'swort Herb ¹áÒ¶½ðË¿ÌÒ

Common Threewingnut Root À×¹«ÌÙ

Common Vladimiria Root ´¨Ä¾Ïã

Common wedgelet Fern Leaf ÎÚ¾Â

Common Yam Rhizome / Wingde Yan Rhizome ɽҩ

Copperleaf Herb ÌúÜȲË

Coral Ardisia Root ÖìÉ°¸ù

Coralhead Plant Seed Ïà˼×Ó

Coriander Fruit ܾݴ×Ó

Corn Stigma ÓñÃ×Ðë

Coromadel Coast Falsemallow Herb »Æ»¨ÃÞ

Corymbose Hedyotis Herb Ë®Ïß²Ý

Costustoot ľÏã

Cottonrose Hibiscus Leaf ľܽÈØÒ¶

Cowherb Seed Íõ²»ÁôÐÐ

Creeping Dichondra Herb ÂíÌã½ð

Creeping Rostellularia Herb ¾ô´²

Creeping Woodsorrel Herb õ¡½¬²Ý

Crispateleaf Ardisia Root °ÙÁ½½ð

Croton Seed °Í¶¹

Cudweed Herb ÊóÇú²Ý

Cuneate Lespedeza ÌúɨÖã

Curly Bristlethistle Herb ·ÉÁ®

Cushaw Seed ÄϹÏ×Ó

Cuttlebone º£óªòÙ

Cyrtomium Rhizome ¹áÖÚ

Dactylicapnos Root ×ϽðÁú

Daghestan Sweetclover Herb ±Ùº¹²Ý

Dahurian Angelica Root/Taiwan Angelica Root °×ÜÆ

Dahurian Patrinia Herb / Whiteflower Patrinia Herb °Ü½´²Ý

Dahurian Rhododendron Leaf Âúɽºì

Dahurian Rose Fruit ´Ìõ

Danshen Root µ¤²Î

Dark Plum fruit ÎÚ÷

Daylily Root / Citron Daylily / Small Yellow Daylily Ýæ²Ý¸ù

Decumbent Bugle Herb ½î¹Ç²Ý

Decumbent Corydalis Tuber ÏÄÌìÎÞ

Dendrobium ʯõú

Densefruit Pittany Root-bark °×ÏÊƤ

Desertliving Cistanche ÈâÜÊÈØ

Devilpepper Root /Java Devilpepper Root ÂÜܽľ

Devil's Rush Herb ÁúÐë²Ý

Diels Stephania Root ѪɢÊí

Digitalis Lanata Leaf 뻨ÑóµØ»ÆÒ¶

Digua Fig Stem µØʯÁñ

Discolor Cinquefoil Herb ·­°×²Ý

Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root ·À·ç

Divaricate Strophantus Seed Ñò½ÇÞÖ×Ó

Diverse Wormwood Herb Áõ¼ÄÅ«

Diversifolious Patrinia Root /Scabrous Patrinia Root Ĺͷ»Ø

Dock Root ÍÁ´ó»Æ

Doederlein's Spikemoss Herb ʯÉÏ°Ø

Dogbane Leaf ÂÞ²¼ÂéÒ¶

Dog's Testis and Penis ¹·Éö

Donkey-hide Glue °¢½º

DoubleteethPubescentAngilicaRoot/Pubescent Angelica Root ¶À»î

Downy Groundcherry Fruit or Herb µÆÁý²Ý

Downy Rosemyrtle Root ¸Úïþ¸ù

Dragonhead Herb È«ÔµÒ¶ÇàÀ¼

Dragon's Blood Ѫ½ß

Dragon's Tongue Leaf ÁúÀûÒ¶

Drgon's Bones , Fossilizid Áú¹Ç

Dried Ginger ¸É½ª

Dried Lacquer ¸ÉÆá

Dried Longan Pulp ÁúÑÛÈâ

Drug Sweetflag Rhizome ÝÅÆÑ

Dutchmanspipe Fruit Âí¶µÁå

Dutchmanspipe Vine / ÌìÏÉÌÙ

Northern Dutchmanspipe Vine

Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber Âó¶¬

Earthworm µØÁú

East Asian Tree Fern Rhizome ¹·¼¹

Elecampane Inula Root ÍÁľÏã

Emblic Leafflower Fruit Óà¸Ê×Ó

English Walnut Seed ºúÌÒÈÊ

Entada Sten î§ÌÙ×Ó

Entadae Stem ¹ý½­Áú

Ephedra Herb Âé»Æ

Epigeal Srephaia Root µØ²»ÈÝ

Epimedium Herb ÒùÑòÞ½

Erect St. John'swort Herb СÁ¬ÇÌ

Ergot Âó½Ç

Eriocarpous Glochidion Leaf Æá´ó¹Ã

Eucommia Bark ¶ÅÖÙ

European Grape Fruit Ë÷Ë÷ÆÏÌÑ

European Hop Flower Æ¡¾Æ»¨

European Verbena Âí±Þ²Ý

European Waterhemlock Root ¶¾ÇÛ

False Chinese Swertia Herb µ±Ò©

Falsehellebore Root and Rhizome ޼«

Falsesour Cherry Ó£ÌÒºË

Fangchi Root ¹ã·ÀÒÑ

Feather Cockscomb Seed ÇàÝÙ×Ó

Fennel Fruit СÜîÏã

Fermented Soybean µ­¶¹ôù

Fewflower Lysionotus Herb ʯµõÀ¼

Field Sowthistle Herb ÜÄݤ²Ë

Fig ÎÞ»¨¹û

Figwort Root Ðþ²Î

FigwortflowerPicrorhizaRhizome ºú»ÆÁ¬

Filiform Cassytha Herb ÎÞ¸ùÌÙ

Fimbriae Orostachys ÍßËÉ

Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb ¾£½æ

Finger Citron ·ðÊÖ

Fistular Onion Stalk ´Ð°×

Fiveleaf Gynostemma Herb ½Ê¹ÉÀ¶

Flabelate Maiden-hair Herb ¹ý̳Áú

Flastem Milkvetch Seed ɳԷ×Ó

Flos Caryophyllata ¶¡Ïã

Fluorite ×ÏʯӢ

Forbes Wildginger Herb ¶Åºâ

Forest Frog's Oviduct ¸òó¡ÓÍ

Forrest Silkvine Stem or Root ºÚ¹ÇÍ·

Fortune Eupatorium Herb ÅåÀ¼

Fortune Firethorn Fruit ¾È±øÁ¸

Fortune Loosestrife Herb ÐÇËÞ²Ë

Fortune Meadowrue Herb °×Åî²Ý

Fortune Paulownia Fruit /Royal Paulownia Fruit ÅÝÍ©¹û

Fortune Plumyew Twig and Leaf Èý¼âɼ

Fortune Windmillpalm Petiole ×Øéµ

Fortune's Drynaria Rhizome ¹ÇËé²¹

Fourstamen Stephania Root ·Û·À¼º/ºº·À¼º

Fragrant Eupatorium Herb ·É»ú²Ý

Fragrant Plantainlily Herb Óñô¢

Fragrant Sarcococca Herb ÇåÏã¹ð

Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome ÓñÖñ

Franchet Groundcherry Calyx and Fruit ½õµÆÁý

Frangrant Ainsliaea Herb ÐÓÏãÍöú·ç

Frankincense ÈéÏã

Freshwater Sponge ×ÏÉÒ»¨

Fringed Iris Herb Ìú±âµ£

Fruticose Breyniae Leaf and Twig ºÚÃæÉñ

Gadfly òµ³æ

Galanga Galangal Seed ºì¶¹Þ¢

Galanga Resurrectionlily Rhizome ɽèÍ

Gall µ¨Ö­

Gambir Plant ¹³ÌÙ

Gansui Root ¸ÊËì

Garcinia Bark ɽÖñ×Ó

Garden Balsam ¼±ÐÔ×Ó

Garden Balsam Stem ͸¹Ç²Ý

Garden Burnet Root µØÓÜ

Garden Euphorbia Herb ·ÉÑï²Ý

Garlic ´óËâ

Garter Snake ÎÚÉÒÉß

Gecko ±Ú»¢

Giant Knotweed Rhizome »¢ÕÈ

Giant St.John'swort Herb ºìºµÁ«

Giant Typhonium Rhizome °×¸½×Ó

Giantleaf Ardisia Rhizome ×ßÂíÌ¥

Ginkgo Leaf ÒøÐÓÒ¶

Ginkgo Seed °×¹û

Ginseng È˲Î

Girald Pteroxygonum Root ºìÒ©×Ó

Glabrous Greenbrier Rhizome ÍÁÜòÜß

Glabrous Sarcandra Herb Ö×½Ú·ç

Glandularstalk St.PaulswortHerb / Common St.Paulswort Herb Øgݲ²Ý

Globeamaranth Flower ǧÈÕºì

Glossy Privet Fruit Å®Õê×Ó

Glutinosae Rice Root Å´µ¾¸ù

Golden Larch Bark ÍÁ¾£Æ¤

Golden Thread »ÆÁ¬

Goldhair Hedyotis Herb »Æë¶ú²Ý

Goosegrass Herb Å£½î²Ý

Gordon Euryale Seed ÜÍʵ

Graceful Jessamine Herb ¶Ï³¦²Ý

Grand Torreya Seed é¼×Ó

Granesbill Herb ¶Ì×ìÀÏðÙ²Ý

Grassleaf Sweelflag Rhizome ʯÝÅÆÑ

Great Burdock Achene Å£Ýò×Ó

Great Willowherb Herb ÁøÀ¼

Greater Celandine Herb °×Çü²Ë

Green Bristlegrass Herb ¹·Î²²Ý

Green Tangerine Peel ÇàƤ

Grosvener Siraitia ÂÞºº¹û

Ground Beeltle ÍÁ±î³æ

Guava Leaf ·¬Ê¯ÁñÒ¶

Gynura Root ºì±³ÈýÆß

Gypsum ʯ¸à

Gypsum ±±º®Ë®Ê¯

Gypsum Ðþ¾«Ê¯

Hainan Ervatamia Root µ¥¸ùľ

Hairy Antler ¹È×

Hairyvein Agrimonia Herb and Bud ÏɺײÝ

Halite ´óÇàÑÎ

Halloysit ³àʯ֬

Hance Brandisia Herb ÃÛÍ°»¨

Hance Pepper Stem and Leaf ɽÉX

Hare Dung ÍûÔÂÉ°

Harlequin Glorybower Leaf and Twig ³ôÎàÍ©

Hawksbill Carapace çéè£

Hawthorn Fruit ɽé«

Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb ÓãÐȲÝ

Hedge Prinsepia Nut Þ¨ÈÊ

Hedgehog Hide ´Ìâ¬Æ¤

Hematite ô÷ʯ

Hemp Fruit »ðÂéÈÊ

Hempleaf Negundo Chastetree Leaf ĵ¾£Ò¶

Hemsley Rockvine Root ÈýÒ¶Çà

Henbane Leaf ݹÝÐÒ¶

Henbane Seed ÌìÏÉ×Ó

Henry Clematis Root Ñ©À↑

Heterohairy Monkshood Root С°×³Å

Heterophyllous Wing SeedtreeRoot °ë·ãºÉ¸ù

Heterophylly Falsestarwort Root Ì«×Ó²Î

Himalayan Teasel Root Ðø¶Ï

Hindu Datura Flower /Hairy Datura Flower Ñó½ð»¨

Hiraute Shiny Bugleweed Herb ÔóÀ¼

Honey ·äÃÛ

Honeycomb ·ä·¿

Honeysuckle Flower ½ðÒø»¨

Hoodshaped Alocasia Rhizome ÀÏ»¢Óó

Horse Bezoar Âí±¦

Horseweed Herb С·ÉÅî

Hot Pepper À±½·

Human Placenta ×Ϻӳµ

Humifuse Euphorbia Herb µØ½õ²Ý

Hupeh Anemone Herb ´òÆÆÍ뻨»¨

Hupeh Bauhinia Root ÑòÌã¼×

Hupeh Fritillary Bulb ºþ±±±´Ä¸

Hypoglaucous Collett Yam Rhizome ·ÛÝɽâ

Immature Bitter Orange è×ʵ

Incised Corydalis Herb ×Ï»¨ÓãµÆ²Ý

Incised Notopterygium Rhizome /Forbes Notopterygium Rhizome Ǽ»î

India Canna Rhizome ÃÀÈ˽¶¸ù

India Madder Root Üç²Ý

India Mustard Seed ½æ×Ó

Indian Azalea Leaf ºì»¨¶Å¾é

Indian Buead ÜòÜß

Indian Damnacanthus Herb »¢´Ì

Indian Epimeredi Herb ·À·ç²Ý

Indian Iphigenia Bulb ɽ´È¹½

Indian Kalimeris Herb ÂíÀ¼

Indian Mockstrawberry Herb ÉßÝ®

Indian Rorippa Herb ºµ²Ë

Indian Skullcap Herb ðÛ´¯²Ý

Indian Stringbush Root Á˸çÍõ

Indian Trum etflower Seed ľºûµû

Indian Zehneria Herb Âí°ü¶ù

Indigowoad Leaf ´óÇàÒ¶

Indigowoad Root °åÀ¶¸ù

Inula Flower Ðý¸²»¨

Involute Spikemoss Herb ÙðÖݾí°Ø

Irkutsk Anemone Rhizome ¾Å½ÚÝÅÆÑ

Ivy Glorybind Rhizome ´òÍ뻨

Ivy Tree Bark Ѽ½Åľ

Japan Clover Herb ¼¦ÑÛ²Ý

Japanese Ampelopsis Root °×Ýü

Japanese Ardisia Herb °«µØ²è

Japanese Buttercup Herb ëݢ

Japanese Cayratia Herb ÎÚÝüÝ®

Japanese Climbing Fern Spore º£½ðɳ

Japanese Dock Root ÑòÌã

JapaneseFloweringFernRhizome ×Ïݽ¹áÖÚ

Japanese Ginseng Öñ½Ú²Î

Japanese Honeysuckle Stem È̶¬ÌÙ

Japanese Hop Herb ·²Ý

Japanese Metaplexis Pericarp Ì콬¿Ç

Japanese Milkwort Herb ¹Ï×Ó½ð

Japanese Pachysandra Herb ѩɽÁÖ

Japanese Peristrophe Herb ¾Åͷʨ×Ó²Ý

Japanese Polypody Rhizome Ë®Áú¹Ç

Japanese Premna Herb ¸¯æ¾

Japanese Raspberry Root ÌìÇàµØ°×

Japanese Snailseed Root ľ·À¼º

Japanese Snakegourd Root Íõ¹Ï¸ù

Japanese St. John'swort Herb Ìï»ù»Æ

Japanese Stephania Root ǧ½ðÌÙ

Japanese Thistle Herb or Root ´ó¼»

Japanese Wormwood Herb ĵÝï

Japonese Pearlwort Herb Æá¹Ã²Ý

Japonica China Fern Rhizome ¹·¼¹¹áÖÚ

Java Brucea Fruit Ñ»µ¨×Ó

Jiuxiang Bug ¾ÅÏã³æ

Kadsura Pepper Stem º£·çÌÙ

Kadsura Root-bark ×Ͼ£Æ¤

Katsumade Galangal Seed ²Ý¶¹Þ¢

Kelp À¥²¼

Kirilow Groundsel Herb ¹·Éà²Ý

Knoxia Root ºì´óêª

Korean Monkshood Root ¹Ø°×¸½

Kudzuvine Root ¸ð¸ù

Kusamaki Seed ÂÞººËÉ

Kusnezoff Monkshood Root ²ÝÎÚ

Lac ×ϲÝÈ×

Laciniate Kalanchoe Herb ¼¦×¦ÈýÆß

Ladybell Root ÄÏɳ²Î

Lalang Grass Rhizome °×é¸ù

Lance Asiabell Root ÑòÈé

Lancelesf Lily Bulb / Greenish Lily Bulb / Low Lily Bulb °ÙºÏ

Langdu Root ÀǶ¾

Largeflower Jasmine Flower ËØÜ°»¨

Largehead AtractylodesRhizome °×Êõ

Largeleaf Gentian Root / ÇØÜ´

Straw-coloured Gentian Root

Largetrifoliolious Bugbane Rhizome ÉýÂé

Lawn Pennywort Herb ÌìºúÝ´

Leatherleaf Mahonia Stem Chinese Mahonia Stem ¹¦ÀÍľ

Leech Ë®òÎ

Lemonfragrant Angelica Root Ïã°×ÜÆ

Lemongrass Herb Ïãé

Lepidogrammitis Herb Óã±î²Ý

Lesser Galangal Rhizome ¸ßÁ¼½ª

Levant Cotton Root ÃÞ»¨¸ù

Lightyellow Sophora Root ¿à²Î

Lilac Daphne Flower Bud ܾ»¨

Lilyofthevalley Herb ÁåÀ¼

Limonite ÓíÓàÁ¸

Lindley Butterflybush Herb ×íÓã²Ý

Lindley Eupatorium Herb Ò°Âí×·

Linear Leaf Speedwell Ò»Ö§Ïã

Linear Stonecrop Herb ·ð¼Ù²Ý

Linearstripe Rabdosia Herb Ϫ»Æ²Ý

Liquoric Root ¸Ê²Ý

Lithargite ÃÜÍÓÉ®

Little Multibanded Krait ½ðÇ®°×»¨Éß

Littleleaf Indianmulberry Herb °×ÑÛÌÙ

Lobed Actinostemma Herb ºÐ×Ó²Ý

Lobedfruit SchizocapsaRhizome Ë®ÌïÆß

Long Pepper óÙÜØ

Long Stephania Herb ·à»þóÆ

Longhairy Antenoron Herb ½ðÇ®²Ý

Long-nosed Pit Viper Þ­Éß

Longstamen Onion Bulb Þ¯°×

Longtube Ground Ivy Herb Á¬Ç®²Ý

Loquat Leaf èÁèËÒ¶

Lotus Leaf ºÉÒ¶

Lotus Plumule Á«×ÓÐÄ

Lotus Rhizome Node ź½Ú

Lotus Seed Pot Á«·¿

Lotus Stamen Á«Ðë

Lovely Hemsleya Root Ñ©µ¨

Lowdaphne Stringbush Flower and Leaf »Æܾ»¨

Lucid Ganoderma ÁéÖ¥

Luckynut Thevetia Seed »Æ»¨¼ÐÖñÌÒ

Lunate Peltate Sundew Herb é¸à²Ë

Lushan Mountain Barberry Root ´Ì»ÆÁ«

Lychee Seed ÀóÖ¦ºË

Madagascar Periwinkle Herb ³¤´º»¨

Magnetite ´Åʯ

Maifanite Âó·¹Ê¯

Malaytea Scurfpea Fruit ²¹¹ÇÖ¬

Male Fern Rhizome ÃàÂí¹áÖÚ

Malt ÂóÑ¿

Manchurian Lilac Bark ±©Âí×ÓƤ

Manchurian Rhododendron Leaf ÕÕɽ°×

Manchurian Tubergourd Fruit ³àÅÛ×Ó

Manchurian Wildginger ϸÐÁ

Manshurian Dutchmanspipe Stem ¹Øľͨ

Mantis Egg-case É£óªòÙ

Manyflower Gueldenstaedtid Herb ÌðµØ¶¡

ManyflowerSolomonsealRhizome / Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome / King Solomonseal Rhizome »Æ¾«

Manyprickle Acanto-Panax Root ´ÌÎå¼Ó

Mary Rhododendron Leaf and Twig ×Ï»¨¶Å¾é

Matteuccia Fern Rhizome ¼Ô¹ûÞ§¹áÖÚ

Meadowrue Root and Rhizome ÂíβÁ¬

Medcinal Evodia Fruit ÎâÜïÝÇ

Medicated Leaven ÁùÉñÇú

Medicinal Changium Root Ã÷µ³²Î

Medicinal Cyathula Root ´¨Å£Ï¥

Medicinal Indianmulberry Root °ÍêªÌì

Medicine Terminalia Fruit Ú­×Ó

Membranous Milkvetch Root / »ÆÜÎ

Mongolian Milkcetch Root

Mexican Tea Herb ÍÁ¾£½æ

Mile Swertia Herb ÇàÒ¶µ¨

Mirabilite âÏõ

Moellendorf's Spidemoss Herb µØ°ØÖ¦

Mole Cricket ò÷òÁ

Mongolian Dandelion Herb Æѹ«Ó¢

Mongolian Snakegourd Root Ì컨·Û

Mongollian Thyme Herb µØ½·

Motherwort Fruit Üûε×Ó

Motherwort Herb Òæĸ²Ý

Mountain Dragon ¹ÅɽÁú

Mountain Spicy Tree Fruit ±Ï³ÎÇÑ

Mountain Yam Rhizome ɽÝɽâ

Mulberry Fruit É£é©

Mulberry Leaf ɣҶ

Mulberry Twig ɣ֦

Mullein Mightbrier Leaf ¼ÙÑÌÒ¶

Mus Covite ÔÆĸ

Musk ÷êÏã

Muskmelon Base Ìð¹ÏµÙ

Muskmelon Seed Ìð¹Ï×Ó

Muskroot-like Semiaquilegia Root Ìì¿û×Ó

Myrrh ûҩ

Nacre ÕäÖéĸ

Nakedflower Beautyberry Leaf Â㻨×ÏÖé

Nardostachyos Root and Rhizome ¸ÊËÉ

Narrowleaf Screwtree Root ɽ֥Âé

Natant Salvinia Herb »±Ò¶Æ»

Natural Indigo Çà÷ì

Negundo Chastetree Fruit »Æ¾£×Ó

Negundo Chastetree Leaf »Æ¾£Ò¶

Ningpo Yam Rhizome ´©É½Áú

Nutgrass Galingale Rhizome Ï㸽

Nutmeg Èⶹޢ

Nux Vomica ÂíÇ®×Ó

Obcordate Raspberry Root »ÆËø÷

Obscured HomalomenaRhizome ǧÄ꽡

Obtuseleaf Cinnamon Bark ɽÈâ¹ð

Officinal Asparagus Root ʯµó°Ø

Officinal Magnolia Bark ºñÆÓ

Omoto Nipponlily Rhizome °×ºÓ³µ

Ophicslcite »¨Èïʯ

Opium °¢Æ¬

Oriental Bittersweet Root ÄÏÉßÌÙ¸ù

Oriental Blechnum Fern Rhizome ÎÚëާ¹áÖÚ

Oriental Stephania Root °×Ò©×Ó

Oriental Waterplantain Rhizome Ôóк

Orpiment ´Æ»Æ

Ovalleaf Dutchmanspipe Root ͨ³Ç»¢

Ovateleaf Holly Bark ¾È±ØÓ¦

Ovientvine Çà·çÌÙ

Oyster Shell ĵòÃ

Pagodatree Flower Bud »±Ã×

Pagodatree Pod »±½Ç

Pale Butterflybush Flower ̆̃Ȭ

Palmleaf Raspberry Fruit ¸²Åè×Ó

Pangolin Scales ´©É½¼×

Panicled Fameflower Root ÍÁÈ˲Î

Paniculate Swallowwort Root Ð쳤Çä

Papaya ·¬Ä¾¹Ï

Papermulberry Fruit èúʵ×Ó

Parslane Herb Âí³ÝÜÈ

Patience Dock Root Å£Î÷Î÷

Peach Seed ÌÒÈÊ

Pearl ÕäÖé

Pedate Pinallia Jackinthepulpit Rhizome ÌìÄÏÐÇ

Pedunculate Acronychia Wood ɳÌÁľ

Peking Euphorbia Root ¾©´óêª

Pepper ºú½·

Pepper Wort Herb Ìï×Ö²Ý

Peppermint 񭧐

Pepperweed Seed / Tansymustard Seed ÝãÜÂ×Ó

Perfoliote Knotweed Herb ¸Ü°å¹é

Perilla Fruit ×ÏËÕ×Ó

Perilla Leaf ×ÏËÕÒ¶

Perilla Stem ×ÏËÕ¹£

Persimmon Calyx and Receptacle ÊÁµÙ

Pevuvian Apple Herb ±ù·Û

Pharbitis Seed ǣţ×Ó

Philippine Flemingia Root ǧ½ð°Î

Philippine Violet Herb ×Ï»¨µØ¶¡

Phoenix Tree Seed ÎàÍ©×Ó

Pillbug Ê󸾳æ

Pilose Asiabell Root /Moderate Asiabell Root/Szechwon Tangshen Root µ³²Î

Pine Leaf ËÉë

Pine Nodular Branch ÓÍËɽÚ

Pine Pollen ËÉ»¨·Û

Pinellia Tuber °ëÏÄ

Pink Herb öÄÂó

Pink Plumepoppy Herb ²©Âä»Ø

Pink Reineckea Herb ¼ªÏé²Ý

Pipe fish º£Áú

Plant Soot °Ù²Ý˪

Plantain Herb ³µÇ°²Ý

Plantain Seed ³µÇ°×Ó

Platycladi Seed °Ø×ÓÈÊ

Platycodon Root ½Û¹£

Poisonous Buttercup Herb ʯÁúÜÇ

Pokeberry Root É̽

Pomegranate Rind ʯÁñƤ

Prepared Common Monkshood Daughter Root ¸½×Ó

Prepared Salt Çïʯ

Pricklyash Peel »¨½·

Prince's-feather Fruit ˮݦ»¨×Ó

Prince's-feather Herb ݦ²Ý

Puberulous Glochidion Herb ËãÅÌ×Ó

Pubescent Holly Root 붬Çà

Pubescent Pepper Herb ëÉX

Puff-ball Âí²ª

Pumice ¸¡Ê¯

Pummelo Peel »¯éÙºì

Puncturevine Caltrop Fruit ÝðÞ¼

Purple Lythrum Herb ǧÇü²Ë

Purpleflower Crotalaria Herb Å©¼ªÀû

Purpleflower Holly Leaf Ëļ¾Çà

Purslane Speedwell Herb ÏÉÌÒ²Ý

Pyrite ×ÔȻͭ

Pyrolusite ÎÞÃûÒì

Pyrrosia Leaf ʯΤ

Quartz °×ʯӢ

Radde Anemone Rhizome Öñ½ÚÏ㸽

Radish Seed À³ÝÊ×Ó

Raisin Tree Seed è×¾ß×Ó

Ramie Root ÜÑÂé¸ù

Rangooncreeper Fruit ʹ¾ý×Ó

Realgar ÐÛ»Æ

Red Ochre ´úô÷ʯ

Red Paeony Root ³àÉÖ

Red Psychotria Leaf ɽ´óÑÕ

Red-Knees Herb À±Þ¤

Reed Rhizome «¸ù

Rehmannia Root µØ»Æ

Remote Lemongrass Herb Ü¿Ïã²Ý

Rhesus Macaque Bezoar ºïÔæ

Rhubarb ´ó»Æ

Rice Bean ³àС¶¹

Rice-grain Sprout ¹ÈÑ¿

Ricepaperplant Pith ͨ²Ý

Rivier Giantarum Rhizome ħÓó

Romanet Grape Root Ò°ÆÏÌÑ

Rose õ¹å»¨

Rose Mallow Root µØÌÒ»¨

Rosewood Heart Wood ½µÏã

Roughhaired Holly Root ¸Ú÷¸ù

Round Cardamom Fruit /Java Amomum Fruit °×¶¹Þ¢


Rust-coloured Crotalaria Herb ¼ÙµØÀ¼

Safflower ºì»¨

Saffron Î÷ºì»¨

Sago Leaf ·ï⽶Ҷ

Sal Ammoniac íÐÉ°

Sampson St. John'swort Herb Ôª±¦²Ý

Sanchi ÈýÆß

Sandalwood Ì´Ïã

Sappan Wood ËÕľ

Sargentgloryvine Stem ´óѪÌÙ

Sarmentose Pepper Herb ¼ÙÉX

Savoury Rhododendron Leaf ÁÒÏã¶Å¾é

Sawtooth Oak Bark ÏðľƤ

Saxifraga »¢¶ú²Ý

Scabrous Doellingeria Rhizome and Root ¶«·ç²Ë

Scabrous Elephantfoot Herb µØµ¨Í·

Scabrous Mosla Herb ʯÜùÆr

Scandent Schefflera Stem and Leaf ÆßÒ¶Á«

Scarlet Kadsura Root ºÚÀÏ»¢¸ù

Scorpion ȫЫ

Sea Horse º£Âí

Sea-ear Shell ʯ¾öÃ÷

Seaweed º£Ôå

Semen Nelumbinis Á«×Ó

Semi-pinnated Brake Herb °ë±ßÆì

Senna Leaf ·¬ÐºÒ¶

Sensitiveplat Herb º¬Ðß²Ý

Serpoletleaf Sandwort Herb СÎÞÐIJË

Serrate Chloranthus Root ¼°¼º

Serrate Gtorybower Herb Èý¶Ô½Ú

Sessile Stemona Root/Japanese Stemona Root/Tuber Stemona Root °Ù²¿

Sessileflower Acanthopanax Bark ¶Ì¹£Îå¼Ó

Sevenlobed Yam Rhizome / Foochow Yam Rhizome ÃàÝɽâ

Sharpleaf Galangal Fruit ÒæÖÇÈÊ

Sheepear Inula Herb Ñò¶ú¾Õ

Shepherdspurse Herb Üù²Ë

Shiny Cinquefoil Root ·­°×Ò¶

Shinyleaf Pricklyash Root Á½ÃæÕë

Shorthairy Antenoron Herb ½ðÏß²Ý

Shortleaf Kyllinga Herb Ë®òÚò¼

Shortstalk Monkshood Root/Pendulous Monkshood Root Ñ©ÉÏÒ»Ö»Ýï

Shorttube Lycoris Bulb ʯËâ

Shouliang Yam Rhizome Êíݹ

Shrubalthea Bark ´¨éÈƤ

Siberian Cocklour Fruit ²Ô¶ú×Ó

Silktree Albizzia Bark ºÏ»¶Æ¤

Simple Glorybower Root ³ôÜÔÀò

Simpleleaf Shrub Chastetree Fruit Âû¾£×Ó

Sinense Knotweed Rhizome òÚò¼Æß

Single Roxburgh Rose Fruit ´ÌÀæ¹û

Sinkiang Arnebia Root /Redroot Gromwell Root ×ϲÝ

Sinkiang Fritillary Bulb ÒÁ±´Ä¸

Skyblue Broomrape Herb Áе±

Slender Dutchmanspipe Root ÇàľÏã

Slenderstyle Acanthopanax Bark Îå¼ÓƤ/ÄÏ

Small Centipeda Herb ¶ì²»Ê³²Ý

Smallfruit Fig Aerial Root éÅÐë

Smallfruit Rose Root С¹ûǾޱ

Snake Slough ÉßÍÉ

Snakegourd Fruit ¹ÏÝä

Snakegourd Seed ¹ÏÝäÈÊ

Snow Lotus Herb Ñ©Á«»¨

Snow of June Herb ÁùÔÂÑ©

Snowbell-leaf Tickclover Herb ¹ã½ðÇ®²Ý

Soda-apple Night-shade Herb ÌìÇÑ×Ó

Songaria Cynomorium Herb ËøÑô

South Dodder Seed / Chinese Dodder Seed ÝËË¿×Ó

Sowthistle Tasselflower Herb Ò»µãºì

Soybean Germinated ´ó¶¹»Æ¾í

Spanishneedles Herb / Railway Beggarticks Herb ¹íÕë²Ý

Spiderflower Seed °×»¨²Ë×Ó

Spike Aletris Herb ·ÛÌõ¶ù²Ë

Spina Date Seed ËáÔæÈÊ

Spiny Amarauth Herb or Root ´ÌÜȲË

Spreading Hedyotis Herb °×»¨ÉßÉà²Ý

Sri Lanka Pouzolzia Herb ÎíË®¸ð

Stalactite ÖÓÈéʯ

Star Anise °Ë½ÇÜîÏã

Starwort Root Òø²ñºú

Stiff Silkworm ½©²Ï

Stone-like Omphalia À×Íè

Stringy Stonecrop Herb ´¹Åè²Ý

Striped Crotalaria Herb Öíʺ¶¹

Suberect Spatholobus Stem ¼¦ÑªÌÙ

Suffrutescent Securinega Twig Ò¶µ×Öé

Sulphur Áò»Æ

Sun Euphorbia Herb ÔóÆá

Sunflower Receptacle ÏòÈÕ¿û

Sunset Abelmoschus Root »ÆÊñ¿û

Swamp Mahogany Leaf ´óÒ¶èñÒ¶

Sweet Basil Herb ÂÞÀÕ

Sweet Broomwort Herb ±ùÌDzÝ

Sweet Osmanthus Flower ¹ð»¨

Sweet Wormwood Herb ÇàÝï

Sweetscented Oleander Leaf ¼ÐÖñÌÒÒ¶

Sword Jackbean Seed µ¶¶¹×Ó

Swordlike Atractylodes Rhizome / Chinese Atractylodes Rhizome ²ÔÊõ

Szechuan Lovage Rhizome ´¨Üº

Szechuan Melandium Root Íß²Ý

Szechwan Chinaberry Fruit ´¨é¬×Ó

Tabasheer ÌìóûÆ

Taiwan Beautyberry Leaf ×ÏÖéÒ¶

Talc »¬Ê¯

Tall Gastrodia Tuber ÌìÂé

Tamarind Pulp Ëá½Ç

Tamariskoid Spikemoss Herb ¾í°Ø

Tangerine Peel ³ÂƤ

Tangerine Seed éÙºË

Tangut Anisodus Radix ɽݹÝÐ

Tatarian Aster Root ×ÏÝÒ

Tenacious Condorvine Stem ͨ¹âÌÙ

Tender Catchweed Bedstraw Herb ÖíÑêÑê

Ternate Grape Fern Herb ÒõµØÞ§

Thatch Screwpine Root ¶¶µÀÕ

Thickleaf Croton Root ¼¦¹ÇÏã

Thin Evodia Twig and Leaf Èý²æ¿à

Thinleaf Adina Fruit Ë®Ñî÷

Thinleaf Milkwort Root-bark Ô¶Ö¾

Thorny Elaeagnus Leaf ºúÍÇ×ÓÒ¶

Threevein Aster ºì¹ÜÒ©

Thunberg Fritillary Bulb Õ㱴ĸ

Thymifoious Euphorbia Herb С·ÉÑï²Ý

Tinospora Stem ¿í¸ùÌÙ

Toad Skin ó¸òÜƤ

Toad Venom ó¸ËÖ

Tokay ¸òò»

Tortoise Shell ¹ê¼×

Towel Gourd Stem Ë¿¹ÏÌÙ

Towel Gourd Vegetable Sponge Ë¿¹ÏÂç

Tree Peony Bark ĵµ¤Æ¤

Tree-of-heaven Ailanthus Bark ´»Æ¤

Tremolite or Tremolite asbestos ÑôÆðʯ

Trifoliate Acanthopanax Root ÈýÒ¶Îå¼Ó

Trifoliate Jewelvine Root or Stem ÓãÌÙ

Trifoliate-orange Immature Fruit èÛéÙ

Triquetrous Tadehagi Herb ºù«²è

Trogopterus Dung ÎåÁéÖ¬

Tsaoko Amomum Fruit ²Ý¹û

Tuber Fleeceflower Root ºÎÊ×ÎÚ

Tuber Fleeceflower Stem Ò¹½»ÌÙ

Tuber Onion Seed ¾Â²Ë×Ó

Tuberculate Speranskia Herb ÕäÖé͸¹Ç²Ý

Tuberous Sword Fern Rhizome ÉöÞ§

Turmeric ½ª»Æ

Turmeric Root-tuber Óô½ð

Turtle Shell ±î¼×

Twelvestamen Melastoma Herb µØÄó

Twotooth Achyranthes Root ţϥ

Umbellate Rockjasmine Herb µãµØ÷

Uncinata Spikemoss Herb ´äÔƲÝ

Unibract Fritillary Bulb ´¨±´Ä¸

Uniflower Swisscentaury Root ©«

Ussuriensis Fritillary Bulb ƽ±´Ä¸

Valerian Root çÓ²Ý

Vermiculite ½ð¾«Ê¯

Vermiculite Schist seu / Hydrobiotite Schist ½ðíæʯ

Veronicastrum Herb ¸¹Ë®²Ý

Vietnamese Sophora Root ɽ¶¹¸ù

Villous Amomum Fruit / Cocklebur-like Amomum Fruit É°ÈÊ

Virgate Wormwood Herb / Capillary Wormwood Herb Òð³Â

Water Calptrop Base and Peel Áâ

Watermeion Peel Î÷¹ÏƤ

Waternut Herb ͨÌì²Ý

Weeping Forsythiae Capsule Á¬ÇÌ

White Hyacinth Bean °×±â¶¹

White Mulberry Root-bark É£°×Ƥ

White Mustard Seed °×½æ×Ó

White Paeony Root °×ÉÖ

Whitebackleaf Mallotus Root °×±³Ò¶

Whiteflower Hogfennel Root/Common Hongfennel Root Ç°ºú

Whiteflower Leadword Root °×»¨µ¤

Whorlleaf Loosestrife Herb »Æ¿ª¿Ú

Wideleaf Osbeckia Root ³¯Ìì¹Þ

Wild Buckwheat Rhizome ½ðÜñÂó

Wild Carrot Fruit ÄϺ×Ê­

Wild Chrysanthemum Ò°¾Õ»¨

Wildcelery Herb ÇÛ²Ë

Williams Elder Twig ½Ó¹Çľ

Willowleaf Hygrophila Herb ´óÇà²Ý

Willowleaf Swallowwort Rhizome / Glaucescent Swallowwort Rhizome °×Ç°

Wilson Begonia Rhizome Ò»µãѪ

Winged Euonymus Twig ¹í¼ýÓð

Winged Laggera Herb ¹¶úôá

Wingedtooth Laggera Herb ³ôÁ鵤²Ý

Winterberry Euonymus Herb Ë¿Ãàľ

Wintersweet Flower À°Ã·»¨

Wooly Datchmanspipe Herb Ñ°¹Ç·ç

Wormseed »×Ýï

Wormseed Mustard Ìǽæ

Wrinkled Gianthyssop Herb Þ½Ïã

Yangtao Actinidia Root ÌÙÀæ¸ù

Yanhusuo ÑÓºúË÷

Yellow Croaker Ear-stone ÓãÄÔʯ

Yellowmouth Dutchmanspipe Root ººÖзÀÒÑ

Yerbadetajo Herb Ä«ºµÁ«

Yunnan Manyleaf Paris Rhizome / Chinese Paris Rhizome ÖØÂ¥

Zedoary Ý­Êõ

Zhegucai ðÑð³²Ë