商务谈判实质上是通过语言交流进行的经济活动,其成功在很大程度上取决于语言的运用得当与否。在谈判中,交流双方都试图利用适当的语言来表达自己的要求,使己方在利益冲突比较厉害的方面占据一定的优势。就商务谈判中使用的语言表达手段而言,低调陈述无疑是其中较为常见的一种表达方式。下面就从不同的方面来谈一谈商务谈判 英语 :
JamesWall认为,“business negotiation is a p rocess
through which two ormore parties coordinate an exchange of
goods or services and attemp t to agree upon rate of exchange
for them. ”(JamesWall, 1985: 4) ;WaysMax则将其定义
为“a p rocess in which two or more parties, who have both
common interests and conflicting interests, put forth and dis2
cuss exp licit p roposals concerning specific terms of a possi2
ble agreement. ”(WaysMax, 1979: 15)由此可见,商务谈判是一种经济活动中的交流过程,其基本目标是通过有关信息的交流来取得意见的统一或其它结果。
作为一种交流行为,商务谈判的根本目的包括:建立良好的业务关系( To establish goodwill) ;影响对方的行动( To influence the actions of others) ;获取或分享信息( To obtain or share information) ; 建立个人或企业形象( To build personal or company’s image) 。
由于谈判双方都试图从谈判中获得最大好处,他们之间不可避免的会产生种种矛盾冲突。在这种情况下,谈判人员必须采用富有技巧的、灵活的语言表达方式来澄清问题、探讨合作的可能性、避免冲突及选定双方都能接受的解决方式。例如,当谈判一方说“hop ing to put the p roposed idea into your further considerations”,这表明双方还未就某问题达成一致;如某方说道,“Well, to that
matter, Iwould make a report to the head office and wait for
their decision”,说明谈判正面临着非常困难的局面,该方希望通过推延决策时间来为己方争取有利条件;当我们听到“We have had talks and both have fully exp ressed
our op inions”时,这意味着谈判双方都有所保留,在某些问题上他们并未获得明确的结果。
低调陈述是夸大的反面,它是“a statement which isnot strong enough to exp ress the full or true facts or feel2
如提到某人不够聪明时,往往不用“stup id”或“foolish”,而改用“slow”;还用“short of terminological exactitude”来代替“telling a lie”等。但委婉语和低调陈述之间是有区别的。委婉是用温和或令人愉快的表达法来替代尖刻和令人不舒服的表达法,将不体面的事以体面的方式进行表达的修辞格( the use of a mild, p leasanter, less direct
name for something thought to be harsh and unp leasant) ,它能做到坏事好说,臭话好说,使丑事不丑,坏事不坏,大事化小,小事化了,在不伤人、给人留面子的基础上达到易说服人的目的;而低调陈述是一种将事件或事情进行轻描淡写或不充分地陈述。从语用学的角度来看,两者之间具有一个根本的共同点———即缓和语气和保住对方的面子,从而更有效地进行和持续交流。从这个意义上说,低调陈述遵守了Leech 的礼貌原则( PolitenessPrincip les)的谦虚准则(ModestyMaxim)和间接礼貌策略( Indirect Politeness strategy) 。
低调陈述的具体运用方式有很多种,其中主要有:1. 减少感叹句的使用,多用直接疑问句式或“Wewonder if⋯”句型来替代祈使句。
1) a. What an excellent quality of our machine tools!
b. According to the end users, the quality of our machine
tools is quite excellent!
2) a. It’s beyond our honourably awarded a silver
medal. And, it’s really unbelievable even to us. b. This
p roductwas warded a silvermedal by the government.
在上述两组例句的a例中,说话者大肆渲染其产品的优势,语气中炫耀的成分显而易见。在商务谈判的大多数情况下,这样的自我吹嘘往往会让对方觉得不礼貌甚至刺耳。相比之下, b例中的用词就显得温和、平实和客观得多,因此也更容易让人接受。又例如:
3)We wonder if it is possible to reduce your p rice by,
say, 5% ?
4)We app rove of your idea on the whole, but we still
wonder if it is convenient for you to advance the shipment
date to early nextmonth.
2. 尽量避免过多地使用辞藻华丽的语言。
5) a. This kind of washing machine has a good per2
formance and can be used for a long time. b. This kind of
washingmachine can work without going wrong continually
formore than 50, 000 hours.
6) a. If we close the deal, you can make big p rofits
with only a small cap ital. b. You may know,Mr. Freeman,
the major dealer of Chinese textiles in Sweden. He made a
p rofit of $200, 000 from a deal of the same quantity.
7) A: Too high? That’s the lowest p riceswe can offer
now. The p rice of crude oil is soaring by 4. 5% , you know.
B: Yes, but if you look at the whole p icture,we can see
the p rices of other raw materials are sharp ly down.
A: That’s true, but Iwonder if you have taken every2
thing into account. For instance, our after - sale service is of
the best.
B: I see what you mean, but another way of looking at
it would be that the p rices you quoted are 3% higher. I
think it is difficult forme to persuade my p resident to accep t
your p resent offer. Thus, could you be persuaded to adjust
your p rices, say, 4% off?
A: I’m afraid I can’t. You see, I’m very eager to es2
tablish businesswith you, but if you insist on such a reduc2
tion, I have to drop the deal⋯ B: Are you quite sure you
won’t reconsidermy p roposal? I don’twant to talk you into
accep ting it, but surely it’s in your interest to make some
concessions. You know very well it is not a small order.
You should make a fortune out of it even if you bring your
p rices down by 5% or 6%.
A: Maybe so, butwouldn’t you agree that both parties
should make some concessions? 2. 8% off. That’s the best
I can do. It’s almost cost p rice, you may know.
B: Well, that’s settled.
3. 避免直接与谈判对方或第三方进行对比。
8) This kind of machine of ours is small in size, high
in quality and easy to operate, while your p roduct is bigger
and lack high quality and without the automatic control func2
9) As a big manufacturer, we have enough rooms to
move about. And with a number of newly developed p rod2
ucts,we need to exp lore overseas markets, and have had a
group of foreign cooperative partners. While that Johnson’s
Company is a quite small one. They have insufficient ability
of technical development. And their p roducts are mainly for
their domestic market. So they now cannot begin to talk a2
bout the cooperation with some big and famous foreign
10) A: This is their quotation sheet, which you may
have a look.
B: Maybe the case is so, but wouldn’t you agree that
we have a good reputation in this field?
A: Yes, but their offer is about 2% lower than the rul2
ingmarket p rice. It’s really verymuch.
B: That’s true, but there are other considerations. For
examp le,we guarantee a p romp t delivery.
A: Yes, perhap s you have a point here.
4. 减轻话语中的主观因素。
在谈判中,谈判方在强调自己的优势时,总喜欢使用“we”、“our”、“none but ours”等词来强调自己的独一无二,但这些词句似乎过分地夸大了发言方的能力,成了违背商务谈判交际中合作原则的表现。我们试来对比以下的例句:
11) a. It goes without saying that great p rogress has
been made in our research, and we also think, the research
has been in the leading position in the world.
b. As you may know, our research hasmade great p ro2
gress and is considered among the leading ones in the
12) a. Our enterp rise has been develop ing rap idly and
well known in China and overseas. Our p roducts are ex2
tremely welcomed by the customers.
b. Our enterp rise has been develop ing rap idly and its
p roducts have been popular by the customers in home and
foreign market.
13) Your kind attention is also invited to a fact that
several international big companies, including NEC and No2
kia, have appointed us as their sales rep resentative in Chi2