aleser: thanks
aleser: in my city there are many chinese
aleser: and i like so much eat chinese food
Joe Lau: those will be useful if you have business with others,
Joe Lau: Oh
Joe Lau: thats great
aleser: no business
aleser: you are the first
Joe Lau: sometimes can you teach me with italian
Joe Lau: I just know,,ciao
Joe Lau: ciao ciao means good bye
aleser: good bye
Joe Lau: excuse me
aleser: tell me
Joe Lau: may I know how old are you?
aleser: i'm 34 yo
Joe Lau: oH
Joe Lau: big bro.
aleser: you?
Joe Lau: I am just 25 yrs old
aleser: yes big bro
aleser: bye
Joe Lau: ciao ciao
aleser: ciao
aleser: ciao
Joe Lau: one last thing
Joe Lau: when you place an order.I will send you a pro forma invoice.that all trade terms and details will be shown on the invoice.that will give you learning of international trade.
aleser: good,when I receive your invoice,I will go after my bank for the can send me in advance.
如果大家问一下为什么SEND PRICE LIST变不成订单,你可以在里面找到答案,我的客户就是没做过生意的,没和中国打过交道的。