It was nice speaking to you on phone today.
Tks for your E mail dated 21.11.2007 confirming your price at
US$9.** per Kg CIF NET Nhava Sheva( D/P - sight )for prompt shipment.
We thank you for giving me your consideration as a nice man.
After adding our commission @US$0.55 per Kg to your above price
(US$9.** per Kg CIF Nhava Sheva ), we can consider placing order for 1 FCL ( 14,400 Kgs)at US$ 10.** per Kg CIF NET Nhava Sheva( D/P - sight )for shipment in December'07. SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF YOUR PRESHIPMENT SAMPLE. Accordingly , please confirm so that we can send you our order sheet for sending us your Sales Contract .
Also , please inform name of manufacturer of Citronella Oil offered by you .
Also, please send us 2 samples of 100 Gms free samples by courier
(UPS OR FEDEX) for customer's testing and approval.Only after recieving customer's test report & approval the goods should be shipped in December'07. Please DO NOT send by EMS ( Speed Post ) Or by DHL . On the label on the samples please mention the product name as " CITRONELLA OIL 95/35%" ( Natural Essential Oil) / Perfumery raw material. Please confirm .
Please confirm placement of our order as above so taht we can send you our order sheet.
What is the name of your Manager please ? Please give him my best regards . ?
Awaiting your reply urgently with your confirmation on above mentioned points.
Tks & Best Regards - G.J.Chawla
Dear Mr. Irvin ,
/ Citronella Oil 85/35% - 1 FCL order
Tks for faxing your S/C .
Yesterday , we faxed back to you copy of your S/C duly signed by customer. Please confirm reciept of same by you .
Regarding the 2 bottles samples , please despatch it today and inform us the EMS despatch No. / details.
Awaiting your reply .
Tks & Best Regards - G.J.Chawla