有时真的觉得他好奇怪(好说话的简直让人受不了), 我想可能是他们本身就是零售商,所以相比较从本国大的批发商进货的话我们价格还是有优势的,最主要的我认为应该是这个客人本身自己也就刚接触国际贸易不久,自然也不太了解中国的价格战有多激烈
hi phil,
thank you for the invoice i will send full payment for the order first thing monday morning, i will email you to inform you when payment has been sent.
thanks again
steve Clarke
Dear steve,
Thanks for your prompt reply! That¡¯s great to do business with you and we will do our utmost to serve for you, if you remit the payment, pls fax the relevant bank forms( or electrical version is fine) to us so that we can produce them immediately
Best Regards,
Company¡¯s name---
可是时间过了两三天,客人那边还没反应 ,由于当时事情比较多我也没什么时间催他,心想在等等看。正当我想打个电话给他询问他这个单子的情况怎么样时,下午5点多的时候收到了客人下边的这封MAIL,真是及时雨哦
hi phil,
the money for my order was sent to your company account first thing this morning and you should receive the funds by friday at the latest, i enclose a copy of the swift transfer request form.
thanks again for all your help.
steve clarke
看到了水单才松了一口气 ,毕竟国际贸易的话要真正看到钱到帐单子才算成功一半啊,而且还是全额款 ,偶们老板看到水单那张脸都乐开了花,说这个人有点笨,偶马上就回了客人一个邮件,说货物做好了立即就通知他
Dear Steve,
Thanks for your payment, the lead time is about 10 days,we will send these goods to your named warehouse later, and I will send email to you once these goods are finished
Best Regards,
Company¡¯s name---
货物完工后,大概在出货前一个星期左右,做好商检拿到换证凭条和核销单,发票,装箱单,报关委托书,报关单等一起寄给货贷,船公司出提单后连同SHIPPING DOCUMENTS一起寄给客人清关